a Ramdom and Thoughtful account of our overly interesting lives...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Guess what today is.....

The last day of duck season!!!! If I have to hear that alarm at 5am again ANY time soon, I am going to scream. (and for all those of you that are just going to say..."just wait til the baby comes"....please don't!)

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Finally, I feel like I have made some progress!!! If you have been around me lately, you know I have QUITE a bit going on right now. My poor husband (and friends, for that matter) have been putting up with what is probably not my usual self lately due to quite a bit of stress I have been under. ANYWAY, I feel like I have FINALLY made some progress. My sweet friend Jane Stock is much to thank for this progress I drug the poor girl all over Atlanta as I looked for stuff for the ball, stuff for my house, furniture, Christmas stuff, AND tried to keep my eyes open for stuff to tell Erin (the lady that own's Sulm's in Canton where I grew up working) about for the store. Poor Jane, I am sure I wore her OUT! If you are reading this Jane, MANY thanks for following me all over AND helping me get some stuff done!!!

ANYWAY, I am very proud to say that not only did I get quite a few tasks accomplished for the ball that have been nagging at me (still have a few more, but made MAJOR progress), but I also got some house stuff done too. As of now, I have a couch, recliner for Gibson, 2 club chairs, 2 ottomans, and a glider for Baby Girls room (No, I do not have a name yet...she will get focused on AFTER Feb 20th)! I also found a great bedding company where I am going to get her bedding from...OH YEAH, I just have to decide which one I want. AND she is going to have a closet full of clothes due to some MAJOR sample sales in ATL!!! I got a little eager in Jackson the other day and bought her 4 outfits. WELL, I bought 25 outfits in Atlanta for not much more than I spent in Jackson! I say my trip to ATL was well worth it!!!

Anyway, many of you may remember my last 3 trips to Atlanta this year were QUITE eventful....house fire, tornado, and ALMOST getting shot! WEll, I am proud to let you know that my luck in ATL has changed! Our trip was fairly (one little freak out moment due to some lost tickets for a client) uneventful! Maybe my luck is changing.

So, now I am in Las Vegas until Monday. This is our last trip before the baby gets here (well, maybe) so I am looking forward to staying home for a little while! Airports will wear you out!