So, my cousin Brett that lives in New York informed me that my recent "mullett" pics were not truly a mullett. I agree, it was not the BEST mullet sighting I have ever had NOR is it the best mullett photo I have ever taken.....BUT STILL, it classifies as a mullett. And yes, Yankee's do have mulletts (sorry Brett--its not just the Southerners) ANYWAY, since this was obviously not good enough, I decided to post a few pics of some of our past "Mullet Hunts" For those of you that know us well, Gibson and I have MASTERED the art of spotting a mullet, discreetly alerting the other half of the sighting AND location, pulling out the camera, and snapping a shot of Gibson with the mullett...ALL without the "Mullett Wearer" ever noticing. WELL, there was this one time when a rookie member of our party started yelling.."where is it, where is it, I dont' see the Mullett, where is it" THis lovely outbreak nearly got us beat up...BUT we survived thankfully. That person now knows to NEVER EVER EVER bring attention to a mullett hunt. With that being said, I present you with some of our trophy shots! And since I cannot for the life of me figure out how to post the pics like I want....oh well. They are on here.
Nice...not one of our best shots, it was better from the side.
I think this is my PERSONAL favorite...Gibson just blending in as one of the crowd!
This was sitting directly in front of me and was just BAD....poodle mullet!
AHHH, the silverback!
THOSE are the mullets that I remember. Much better!
Ya'll are SO bad!! You and Gibson have me laughing aloud
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