a Ramdom and Thoughtful account of our overly interesting lives...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

And I survived the ball...

YAY---the JA Ball is OVER, for 09, that is!!! Overall I was very happy with the way it turned out! I was very worried about how everything would turn out, how long it would take us, and how exhausted I would be....but everything was great, AND we got everything done in a VERY timely manner! I wasn't as worn out as I though I would be, but I sure paid for it that weekend. I was fine Wednesday thru Friday, but once the ball was over Friday night, I was a lazy bum the rest of the weekend! Here are a few pics of the ball! Many many thanks to my mother who came and worked her tail off, I could NOT have done it without her!

King and Queens thrones on stage

King's dressing room

Food tables before the food got on there!

Arrangement for Queen's dressing room.

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