a Ramdom and Thoughtful account of our overly interesting lives...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Baby Girl AND a house to bring her home to!

Not only did we find out Friday that we were having a girl (and her sonogram looks healthy), but we also bought a house too! Granted we havent' closed on it yet, won't do that until they find somewhere to live and move out, but we signed the papers at 10am Saturday morning. We are planning on this being it so it was a very big decision for us. We decided that we were going to buy instead of built back in June/July. It has taken us this long to find a house. Granted, the baby kinda sped things along, but it has not been a fun process. We have spent many many many nights stressing, worrying, going back and forth, etc. You would think now would be a perfect time to buy a house, and it is good, but there aren't exactly an abundance of houses in Greenville. We definitely wanted 4 bedrooms and that did not leave us too many options.

ALSO, I dont' know WHAT is up with some of these home owners but they must not be paying attention to the economy right now. WE put two offers on two separate houses that have been on the market for AWHILE. Granted, we didn't offer them what they were asking (who does that anyway) but we DID offer them more than the appraised value and they didn't budge....and both of these really want to sell. Ummm, who they think in Greenville is going to pay them what they are asking is beyond me, but oh well. Hope they like where they are becuase they will be staying awhile. Anyway, we are very excited. Hopefully we will be in around April, gotta take out a few walls, re-do a bathroom, paint, etc, but we are pumped. Dutch's favorite part would be the large fenced in yard! We had another house that we really liked and had tons of potential, but we were looking at at least a years worth of renovations (and probably 3 times the money we were planning on for renovations) and we just decided that was way more than we were willing to get in to. I think/hope we made the right decision because I actually slept Saturday night...and I mean, REALLY slept. Anyway, just wanted to share our additional news. I will post pictures once I get some!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

Hey Elisabeth!

Just found your blog. Congrats on the baby girl. I know you can't wait to meet her! Good luck with the house. Don't stress too much!

~ Erin Gapen