a Ramdom and Thoughtful account of our overly interesting lives...

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I have no CLUE what this baby is. I figured by this point I would have SOME sort of feeling as to what it is. I am clueless. ZERO feeling either way. I really don't have a preference....really, I don't. GIBSON, however is DYING for a girl....and I mean DYING for a girl. HE used to say (WAY before we started talking about having a baby) that he only wanted a boy. NOW, however, its another story. He LOVES little girls and really wants one of his own. Guess we will find out tomorrow!!! I cannot WAIT!


taylor said...

I am at my mom's house now and we are dying to know what yall are having also! She wants you to call her ASAP and let her know!!

taylor said...

OOPS...I guess I was logged in as Taylor! This is Christina!!